We’re proud to announce the talks for this year’s online DjangoCon US.
The Django community and beyond submitted an incredible number of talk proposals, and selecting these talks was extremely difficult for our program team. We appreciate the effort everyone put into their submissions; thank you! Another huge thank you to our reviewers, without whom this list would still be weeks in the making.
We will announce the full conference schedule soon. If you haven’t picked up your ticket yet, they’re still available.
- An Introduction to Kubernetes ☸️ by Markus Holtermann (github, twitter, website)
- Bootstrapping your Local Python Environment by Calvin Hendryx-Parker (twitter, website)
- Búsqueda de texto completo (FTS) en tu sitio web – mi proyecto de Google Summer of Code by Aldán Creo (twitter, website)
- Demystifying Natural Language Processing across Several Industry Verticals by Jyotika Singh (github, twitter, website)
- Design django models such that your future self will thank you 👋 by Tarun Garg (twitter, website)
- Desmitificando el Mantenimiento by Katherine Michel (twitter, website)
- Get interactive! Putting a shell (or a desktop) in your Django app by Maari Tamm (twitter)
- graphene-django or: How I learned to stop RESTing and Love the Graph by Dane Hillard (twitter, website)
- Herding Ponies: Coordinating and Automating Django Upgrades Across 100+ Repositories by Jeremy Bowman
- How we built a mobile application backend with Django in 10 weeks by Çağıl Ulusahin (twitter)
- HTMX: Frontend Revolution by Thomas Güttler (github, twitter, website)
- Illuminate Data with Visualization by Drishti Jain (twitter, website)
- Kontrasto: improving accessibility with Python by Thibaud Colas (twitter, website)
- Leveraging the ORM to enforce object-level permissions by Jeremy Stretch (twitter)
- Lightweight Multi-Tenant Architecture for Django Applications by Brendan Wee
- Managing the Test Data Nightmare by Andrew Knight (twitter, website)
- Modern JavaScript for Django Developers by Cory Zue (twitter, website)
- Modern Web Testing: Going Beyond Selenium by Dmitry Vinnik (twitter, website)
- Pydon’ts – Write elegant Python code by Rodrigo Girão Serrão (twitter, website)
- Rapid Prototyping in Django by Benjamin “Zags” Zagorsky (website)
- REST, HATEOAS & Django - It’s OK to not use JSON… or Javascript by Carson Gross (twitter, website)
- Scaling Django to 500 apps by Dan Palmer (twitter, website)
- SE HABLA ESPAÑOL: Django y multiples idiomas. by Adolfo Fitoria (twitter, website)
- Securing Django Applications by Gajendra Deshpande (twitter, website)
- Server-Side is Dead! Long Live Server-Side (+ HTMX) by Jack Linke (twitter, website)
- The Pit of Success for Per-Object Permissions in Django by Madelaine Boyd (twitter, website)
- The Web is Inherently Accessible by Rachele DiTullio (twitter, website)
- Una serie de relatos de mentoring by Ramón Huidobro (twitter, website)
- Usando filas de tareas (task queues) en aplicaciones web by Josue Balandrano Coronel (twitter, website)
- Using simple database triggers for complex Django problems by Wes Kendall
- Wagtail Live: bringing a live blogging tool to the Django ecosystem by Tidjani Dia (website)
- What in the World? Determining and demonstrating meaning in geospatial data by Tyrel Denison (twitter, website)
- What is deployment, anyway? by Katie McLaughlin (twitter, website)
- Writing tests for a Django application doesn’t have to suck: the simplest way to write short, fast and maintainable tests by Alan Una Larisa
- Zero to production-ready: a best-practices process for Docker packaging by Itamar Turner-Trauring (twitter, website)
Congratulations to all our speakers!
We can’t wait to see you at DCUS 2021! Get your free tickets today and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news.